Saturday 29 December 2012

For you :)

all iz well ??? ;) hard??
is always hard and it can be harder and hardest.

sometimes it take us down but 


if you wish for a life without rain then you'll never see the beauty of the

r.a.i.n.b.o.w after the rain

Still upset ?Do not worry.


and this is where

remember, most of the beautiful things in life we have from changes and mistakes.

and you know


okay ? :)

if you can't fly, then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving FORWARD.

you decide ;)

Friday 28 December 2012

laut, hidupan laut dan KITA

hello helloooo

apa khabar adik manis abg kacak seluruh duniaaa!!

pada tanggal 10,11,12 disember, mariners ad field trip ke..


jauhkan?? tak jauh pun dari arau ke langkawi tu.. apa yang kitorang buat kat sini semua ada kena mengena dgn subjek kitorang utk sem ni, so ..

yeayhhh! belajar sambil berseronok cuci cuci mata ;)

i am sooo not going to tell u the activities for each day but definitely want to share about the ..

yes yess!! about the OCEAN.

dalam laut ni,, terlalu banyak sangat hidupan yang sangat menarik tertarik tercantik kamedadeboomm ! tapi pernah tak kita sedar yang cantik itu bukan selamanya dan setiap yang hidup itu pasti akan menemui mati. that's life!

cuba kita bayangkan pulak sepuluh dua puluh tahun akan datang akan ada tak binatang binatang macam ni,

and mungkin yang ini,,,

or perhaps this !

 mungkin yang ini untuk ke berapa kali da ulang -.-'

and not this pretty huge stingray too *sobs sobs

 oh maii not this too

see ??? its too beautiful for us to just let go, pejam mata buat keje sendiri>.<

PLEASE don't ever dare to do that..sebab takut takut smpai umur kita jadi atuk nenek, cucu kita tanya,,

"nek,, ikan nemo tu macam mana ea? "

or mungkin ini,

"tuk,, first time adik nampak penyu tu dekat google image adik dah sukaa sangattt, teringin nak tengok betul2..."
oh maii.. how sad it is..

kita tak kan dapat pertahankan semua ni dengan senang kalau macam ni jadinya,

and this -.-'

soo not human with humanity

kita ni semua kan dah tuhan jadikan cantik cantik kacak kacak belaka , takkan nak baling batu sembunyi tangan kott ;) sangat tak gentle uollss..
makanya dengan ini sy menyeru kepada rakyat jelata untuk,

pertama ,
jangan buang sampah merata rata, kalau nak merokok, ye sila jangan buang puntung rokok sebarangan, kalau nak makan chewing gum silakan tapi jangan buang sesuka hati. It just, we can do whatever we want but just bear in mind that this world is not ours , we must think of others plus those organisms does not have an intelligent but we do so act like we really have one, okay ? ;)

nak buat jahat memang tak susah tapi kalau nak buat baik lagi tak susah :)

ohh ye,, pesanan utk rakyat jelata yang kedua tiga dan seterusnya adalah stay healthy and gorgeous and...and please try to slow down smoking because it kills u inside, slowly! aww~~~

last friday of 2012

p/s : those pictures of marine organisms were taken at Underwater World, Pulau Langkawi.

hey u gorjes ! finish reading ?? now u know what to do and since just a couple of days we will enter 2013 so u should really really know what to do.

xo !

Sunday 11 November 2012

Speak Nice

salam ladies and gentleman

Wanna share something that is beneficial for me and hope its the same for all of u as well.

The prophets' guidance on treating the sick by encouraging them and strengthening their resolve.

Ibn Majah narrated that Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri said, The Messenger of Allah S.W.T said :
" When you visit a sick person , say good words to him, for the sake of Allah for although that does not prevent any harm, it still bring relief to the patient's heart." -  At-Thirmidi also narrated the hadith. 

In this case by saying good words to him, the inner energy would elevated and would help the body against the disease, which is the best the doctor and anybody could wish for.

happy tak ?? happy kan just by saying those nice words we can help them fighting against the disease.

Sometimes, the prophet S.A.W would say to the sick person :
"It is alright. You will be purified (cured), Allah willing." 
There goes a saying ;
"When you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
So let say something nice from today and onward, not only for the sick but for everybody too.

Let's speak nice!

Happy Sunday everyone.


Monday 15 October 2012

keep in your heart,please?


even u know how much it hurt u,
even u feel so much pain in there,
don't give up.okay?
because He knows best.
believe in Him and put trust in Him.

p/s : we live for once so live to the fullest.
enjoy every second of O2 that we took.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Corrections : saya,awak & cinta

From my last entry entitled : Saya, Awak & Cinta.

I wrote this,
"Because i am a human. ordinary human. fall in love and loving him too much the love is gone. My mistakes and my bad. =.=' "

The corrections here is don't get me wrong, being in love with him neither a mistakes nor bad things ever happened in my life. Indeed, its the beautiful and wonderful things ever happened to me. A lot of things learned from the past , well as we all know, experience is the best teacher. I am thankful enough .


saya, awak & CINTA.

" all of us have someone
 who is hidden in the bottom of the heart,
 when we think of him,
we will feel a little pain inside but we still want to keep him,
eventhough i don't know where he is today,
what is he doing but
he is the one makes me know this,
a little thing called....

I watched this movie for a several time and never get bored.Why? Its maybe because the story reflect mine so much. When it comes to 'so much' means not the whole story because my ending is Allah's secret. weeheee >.<

I purposely post this entry for my special friend, may we friend till jannah dear :) in sya Allah.

Love ,
is like endless cycle.

They meet - they fall in love - they split , back to phase 1 where they meet, fall in love and split because nothing is FOREVER dear, nothing in this world stay forever !nothing!
Some people said, love is just a hormone. Yes from the scientific view and even i am studying those science things, from the way i look and feel, love is more than that, more than just a hormone. Its a feeling no one can ever described. Its universal. It has its own power. It's make people believe that everything is possible, able to stand fear and confident and so on . See? Its not just a hormone or else why we cried so much when we feel broken heart. Sampaikan ada yang bunuh diri, toreh toreh tangan la muka la. Why? Because it hurts you so much right??? Feel like it was end of the world. Feel like been stabbed thousand time, heart fall onto pieces and make you feel dont wanna fall in love again.sick of love.

Yes yes,broken up with whom you love one of most painful thing. Like endless pain.
How about life??your own life?
Giving it up? Put a gun next to your head?? 
Please dont !
Life is so much precious than those who broke your heart. Life is a gift from Allah that stay forever. He is the one we should give those respect and love besides family and friends. The full respect and love!

He even made us whole because of love, made all of things in entire universe because of love.
Make a full use of love because love really make you strong and nice person toward yourself and others. Make love as a catalyst for you to stay strong and move forward no matter how pain it is. Allah knows and count every little thing you did. Allah will give you more than what you expect to.  Just believe in Him.Its believe that makes you believe.

have a courage
have a determination
have faith
think positive

Why i can say so?
Because i am a human. ordinary human. fall in love and loving him too much the love is gone. My mistakes and my bad. =.='
The next day i bought a lot of books. Inspirational book and from those book, this make me feel soooooo.......... butterfly. 

My dear roommate and i called  the book as 'buku magik'.


Forget to recite this not!

p/s :Allah beri hidayah dan menyesatkan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang dikehendakiNya. Semoga kita semua berada dalam golongan orang yang Allah berikan hidayah. Amin! 

#Saya bukan baik tetapi saya sedang dalam perjalanan untuk menjadi lebih baik.Andai ada salah silap dimana, teguran dihargai amat! :)

Happy Maghrib everyone :)

Saturday 29 September 2012

Lesson Learned #1


Just done with my module, pembentukan insan kamil. At first, kami ada sesi ceramah , dalam fikiran dah mengantuk mengantuk, oh ye nak bawak earfon , bila check beg semua da ada, saya dan kawan2 pun mengorak langkah untuk menuju kejayaan .hehehe tapi dok pikiaq ngantok bagai semua.Okay done with those murmuring. Apa yang menariknya ceramah tadi ??? Okay seperti tajuk pembentukan insan kamil, insan kamil dengan kata nama lain insan yang sempurna. Memang tiada manusia yang sempurna dalam dunia ni tapi kita semua boleh berubah menjadi yang lebih baik bukan ?

Dengan jujurnya ingin mengakui bahawa ceramah tadi tak mengantuk dan seronok untuk jadi halwa telinga masing masing jadinya tak perlukan earfon bagai semua kerana penceramah cakap pabila berada dalam majlis ilmu , malaikat ada bersama untuk mendoakan kita.Malaikat kan tak pernah buat salah jadi bila dia nak doakan untuk kita mestilah Allah dengar dan makbulkan . Tapi macam mana pula nak malaikat doakan kita?? Kena lah fokus jadi makanya nak berkongsi sedikit tentang :


Redha Allah terletak pada redha ibu bapa kita terhadap kita maknanya jika kita buat marah dekat mak abah sampai mak abah tak redha pada kita makanya, redha Allah pun automatik tiada untuk kita, a bit scary kannn??

ii. SOLAT.

Solat lah kita biarpun kita jadi sejahat jahat manusia sebab mungkin dari kerajinan kita solat tu turunnya hidayah Allah untuk kita, semua orang mengharapkan hidayah tu kan.Lagipun, semua orang tahu bahawa solat itu tiang agama. Cuba bayangkan tiang rumah kita runtuh apa yang ada, tak payah bayangkan rumah lah .Bayangkan kita main UNO yang susun susun bongkah batu kalau kita tak bina tiang yang utuh , tarik satu bongkah je dah hancur. Jadi cuba kita bayangkan macam mana agaknya tiang agama kita kalau kita tak solat. Takutnyaa. Aku pun ada baca dalam Al-Quran dan banyak kali diulang, Allah akan memberi petunjuk dan menyesatkan sesiapa yang dikehendakinya, see??? SESIAPA YANG DIKEHENDAKINYA!! Ohmyy Allah , jauhkan kami please daripada jadi hambaMu yang kau kehendaki , relakan untuk sesat. (AMIN!) sebab bila korang baca ayat tu macam meremang takut semua ada sebab kalau kita tergolong dalam golongan yang Allah sesatkan macam mana??? Memang kita tak tahu dan sebab kita tak tahu laa kita kena buat baik, solat, berdoa banyak2.  Apa apa pun, semuanya balik pada solat.

Jangan risau!

Allah tu sweet sangat!! Allah tu maha mendengar, melihat lagi mengetahui. Allah tu maha segalanya dan nikmat tuhan manakah yang kita dustakan? Jadi sepanjang ceramah dan hari yang berlalu hari ini, aku banyak terfikir tentang diri sendiri, terlalu banyak dosa untuk dihitung.

Untuk LDK pula, biasalah ice breaking dan kerja kerja dalam kumpulan tu dan so far best lah sebab budak-budak LDK tu masyaALLAH banyaknya ilmu agama , nampak je cam biasa, otai2 blur2 tapi smart kot otak diorang so, don't judge a book by its cover :)